Friday, June 6, 2008

Reality Zionism

I don't know where to begin. Aliyah as a reality show...

* why not a more halutzic version? It would be like Survivor, but draining the swamps instead of being castaways...
* if the show goes into a second season, will it be more socialist in orientation?
* suggestion: find one or two participants from Middle Eastern countries brought against their will, and make sure some of the Jewishness of the FSU people is questionable
* perhaps it will be like the contest reality shows, where the character/contestants compete over who learns the most Hebrew
* make sure the apartment where the the eight olim live is next to an Arab family and create some tension between the two groups - maybe get some raids going on (gotta have me'ora'ot!)
* in order to depict reality, the show is going to have to fall short on its rewards

Any to add?

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